Grants available for businesses

Grants available for businesses


If your business completes customs declarations or intends to in the future, you may be eligible to apply for grant funding for associated recruitment, training and IT improvement costs.

Businesses that are established in, or have a branch within, the UK when the grant is paid, and have not failed to meet their tax obligations are eligible.

For training that provides the skills necessary to complete customs declarations, carry out customs processes (including safety and security) or help other businesses with import and export processes, grants are available which can cover 100% of the cost of training up to a limit of £2,250/course if sourced externally, or £250/employee for internal training.

For those businesses that are customs intermediaries and have been established in the UK for at least 12 months, grants of £3,000/new employee from 1st October 2019 and also £10,000/new employee recruited before the 31st January 2020 to cover up to 3 months’ salary are available for employees recruited to help the business complete customs declarations.

For customs intermediaries who have no more than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than €50 million, grants of up to €200,000 are available. This could cover software, hardware, installation and configuration, first year licence, and any associated software training costs related to any IT upgrades necessary to help your business complete customs declarations more efficiently. The grant can also be used to reimburse what your business has spent on such work since 31st July 2019.

For more information contact [email protected] or ring to speak to one of our Senior Accountants on 01962 715671

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