Worrying about financial tasks keeps owners up at night

Worrying about financial tasks keeps owners up at night


Many business owners do not employ specialist staff to do their financial administration. Increasingly these tasks get relegated to Sunday evenings, or late at night!

In recent research conducted by Starling Bank a third of Microbusiness owners said their personal lives are affected by the volume of financial administrative tasks they must do.

11% said that worrying about financial tasks had kept them up at night and one in twenty said it had made them ill.

Sole traders were found to take as much as a third of their time dealing with financial burdens.

Small business generally were found to be spending 20% of their time, that's up to 15 hours a week on financial administration.

Does this sound familiar? It does not have to be this way!

For 25 years and more at Winchester Bourne we have been working with small businesses, finding affordable solutions for them to take away all the burdens of financial management. We sort it all out for you.

You get a good nights sleep, more time to spend with your family and time to concentrate on the business you are in and enjoy! What's more you can have peace of mind to know your financial administration is sorted, 100% correct and up to date!

Call Winchester Bourne on 01962 715671 or email [email protected]







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